Political Action Committee (PAC)
It is imperative that we constantly pursue the work of our successful grassroots education and relationship building campaign with the both new and incumbent legislators.
MCAO Members must play an important part in this process.
Few legislators come to the Statehouse with the kind of sophisticated construction knowledge necessary to readily understand complex public contracting issues. One on one meetings have been our best defense in combating attempts to water down competitive bidding, to fight for improved payment terms, and to preserve prevailing wage laws. In many instances it's the few Ohio House and Senate members who truly understand construction issues that become our first and last resort to preserve these primary issues.
It's reality that PAC funds open doors for our members to educate and network, and it is also a key way in which we can show our support for the legislators who have consistently stood with us to protect small business and taxpayer interests. Only with this consistency and repetition can we build the necessary base of support for our industry so that construction issues get a fair hearing, and are not dismissed because they are too complex to fit into the simple sound-bite trend.
You can make a convenient and secure online PAC contribution right here. You must use your personal credit card. Corporate Funds Cannot Be Accepted by a PAC!
CLICK HERE to fill out your SECURE online PAC Contribution Form
If you want to solicit additional funds from other management personnel within your company, those efforts would be very much appreciated too. Please feel free pass along this link: http://www.mcaohio.com/ or refer them to the MCAO's Executive Director, Valerie Pope at vpope@assnsoffice.com
You can also send PAC Contributions via personal check to:
MCA of Ohio PAC, 7250 Poe Ave Suite 410, Dayton, Ohio 45414
Working together we can strengthen and improve prevailing wage with real reforms that will strengthen the Ohio's sluggish economy rather than seeing our industry join the race to the lowest common denominator AND preserve the competitive bidding laws that protect Ohioans from graft and wasteful spending. Thanks for your help!